Audi ice experience

It all started 25 years ago in Muonio

Chance will have it that the Audi ice experience in Finland is located in a small town north of the Arctic Circle. Klaus Demel can still remember the early days as if it were yesterday. “The town of Muonio has a historic significance for Audi,” the man in charge of the Audi driving experience knows all too well.

Sweden experience

Get your first taste of the sporty and dynamic Audi ice experience winter training courses and discover all the thrills of powering around icy tracks.

Sweden pro experience

Relish the prospect of endless drifts, raw driving dynamics and pure pleasure at the wheel – plus, fresh challenges every day.

Finland experience

Steer, countersteer, stabilise, and drift on sheet ice. During our experience training in Finland, our instructors will present a completely new dimension to driving.

Finland pro exclusive experience

Prepare to be enthralled as you experience sportiness and dynamism at its purest. Every lap counts, as during our Finland pro exclusive experience you will practise driving at the absolute limit.